
With an aim to leverage the unique capabilities and supporting the thriving startup ecosystem in the country PAMS (Patent Analysis and Management System (PAMS) portal is providing a gamut of valued added Intellectual Property related services for the benefit of the innovators. We stand committed to extend all possible cooperation-technology or otherwise to help further the impact in the best possible way. These services are provided with the objectives of disseminating Intellectual Property (IP) awareness, encouraging and protecting innovations and providing a wide range of value added services related to IP. This is a unique opportunity for you to directly engage with us for creating a culture of IP-identification, protection and monetization for your cutting edge R&D innovations/outcomes.

Prior Art Search

Our Patent engineers will assist you in patent filing by carrying out a prior art Search for your invention/innovative ideas. This comes absolutely free of cost.

IPR Queries

All kinds of IPR queries are answered by a team of experts in a time bound manner.

Invention Analysis

Comprehensive analysis done for inventions with detailed comments on novelty, non–obviousness and industrial application along with quality assessments.

Landscape Reports

Patent landscape reports are provided to give an insight of a particular technology area with detailed analysis from the perspective of patents.

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