IP Panorama

IP-Panorama Part 1

  • IP is all around us
  • Why is IP relevant to your SME?
  • IP as a business asset
  • IP as an investment
  • The value of IP assets

  • Introduction
  • What is a Trademark?
  • Industrial Design Strategy
  • Tackling Trademark Infringement
  • Management of Trademark
  • Conclusion
  • Case Studies

  • Introduction
  • Industrial Design?
  • Registering and Protecting
  • Management of Industrial Design
  • Conclusion
  • Case Studies

  • Basics of Invention and Patent
  • Patent Application
  • Patent Infringement
  • Patent Management System
  • Conclusion

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Patent Information
  • Invention Disclosure Form
  • Types of Patent Information Searches
  • Strategic Use of Patent Information
  • Types of Patent Information Databases
  • Conclusion
  • Case Studies
  • Quiz

IP-Panorama Part 2

  • Introduction
  • What is Copyright?
  • Copyright and Related rights
  • Ownership of Copyright
  • Copyright infringement
  • Using Works Owned By Others
  • Copyright Registration
  • Conclusion
  • Case Studies

  • Introduction
  • The Basic Concept of a Licence
  • Preparing to Licence
  • Negotiating a Licence Agreement
  • Overview of a Licence Agreement
  • Conclusion
  • Case Studies
  • Quiz

  • Introduction
  • Choosing Domain Name
  • Creating a Website
  • Outsourcing a Website Work
  • Cyber-squatting
  • Protecting your Website
  • Conclusion
  • Case Studies
  • Quiz

  • Why IP Rights are Important for Exporters
  • Checking your Freedom to Operate
  • Contract for Trading Agreement
  • Conclusion
  • Case Studies
  • Quiz

  • Understanding an IP Audit
  • Preparing for an IP Audit
  • Conducting an IP Audit
  • Conclusion
  • Case Studies
  • Quiz